Winter's Training (TUXIE!!!)


Njack: Happy new y-- wait a second... Happy Valentine's Day? Feb 14, 2016 19:22:15 GMT -5
H.ell .|†A.lba: -pokes around- Oct 23, 2016 21:06:16 GMT -5
H.ell .|†A.lba: Dude it's still been more than like three years since this place closed and I still know the url by heart Oct 23, 2016 21:06:44 GMT -5
H.ell .|†A.lba: If this isn't a sign that this place was home then I don't know what is. Oct 23, 2016 21:06:55 GMT -5
Sivoncé™: I hope all of you are well and happy, and I miss you guys too. It really makes my heart happy that this place was home for everyone who wrote here. Thanks for still checking up on the place every now and then :) Nov 17, 2016 22:44:23 GMT -5
H.ell .|†A.lba: Siiiiv! Feb 18, 2017 2:36:40 GMT -5
H.ell .|†A.lba: I can't believe I missed you by like... a couple of months. Truth be told, I miss you. <3 And I will always check in here. Ya'll were like... an important mile stone of my life. Feb 18, 2017 2:37:20 GMT -5
H.ell .|†A.lba: I miss you all more than I could ever express. My first family. <3 Feb 18, 2017 2:37:34 GMT -5
Acacia: Going back and reading some of the adventures we as a family had taken. All the emotions still rise when reading over everything. Jan 28, 2018 0:29:35 GMT -5
H.ell .|†A.lba: Man, I missed Acacia by like, a couple months too! Mar 29, 2018 4:20:04 GMT -5
H.ell .|†A.lba: Well, if any of you are interested in where I am now, I'll drop the link. It's my new home, but you know, I won't ever forget my first home. It's been many years now and I still remember the url as if I Mar 29, 2018 4:21:40 GMT -5
H.ell .|†A.lba: log on daily. That's so crazy, isn't it? Mar 29, 2018 4:21:49 GMT -5
Acacia: <3 Miss you all dearly! Apr 21, 2019 1:54:27 GMT -5
Sivoncé™: Hey, shout out to anyone ghosting around here and then. Still miss you all and hope life is treating you well. Found myself logging in here to see my old characters so I could pick a name for the kitty cat joining my family soon :) Jan 31, 2020 19:05:37 GMT -5
Acacia: Congrats on your sweet kitty! Please share the name of your new addition. Feb 20, 2020 1:04:03 GMT -5
.Rabid Lycan.: 2020 is such a mess, it's nice to pop in here every now and again to relive some of the fun and dig up some character ideas. Wish you all the best guys, this place and especially each of you will always have a place in my heart :) Aug 14, 2020 19:23:54 GMT -5
Njack: Well, I think reviewing my own writing from back then would make me shrink into a ball of questionable humor and writing quality but it's still nice to check the shoutbox here now and again. :P Apr 20, 2021 12:44:40 GMT -5
Sivoncé™: This is over a year late, but we adopted a kitty who had been surrendered by another home, and kept his existing name (Leo) :) He is loafing nearby as we speak, hehe. May 6, 2021 15:03:23 GMT -5
Sivoncé™: And, anyway, I just wanted to echo the message that this place and all of you were so important to me <3 I sometimes reflect on, this period of my life aside from WotM being very difficult. But this was one of those silver linings I'm really grateful for. May 6, 2021 15:05:05 GMT -5
Sivoncé™: If anyone ever feels like saying hey, I'm over on Tumblr/AO3 @adventuresofmeghatron. I mostly write Fallout fanfic, for now, and yell/blog about associated things. Sending warm vibes to you all <3 <3 <3 I hope life is being kind to you. May 6, 2021 15:10:23 GMT -5
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